You are part of the momentum for social change in the lives of women, children and your community.
Why join Fathers Standing Up?
- To be positive role model to your children
- To fight messages of hate, fear and intolerance
- To help bring together men, taking action for the health and well being of your family and community
What’s next?
- Reach out to another father and ask him to join the mailing list.
- Start a Fathers Standing Up Group in your community that will work on local opportunities to take local action.
- Write a letter to your local newspaper about a current issue related to discrimination, violence or another issue. Identify yourself as father and mention “Fathers Standing Up” as a movement you are part of.
- Go a protest for one of the issues identified here and bring a sign that has Fathers Standing Up message on it. Take a picture of yourself with that sign and post it to our social media using hashtag #FathersStandingUp.